Very interersting isn't it? Yap, I attended Q Film Festival Musical Operrete: "How Gay Are You?". There were the Rat Pack from Rush Hour, and there were this lady, Sarah something I forgot, and she sang so beautifully, and the a jazz guitar player and pianist whom I forgot totally their names and the girl who will launch her new album too. :P
The show was amazing! We laughed the whole night... Well, it wasn't that kind of show, it was more like LGBTQ 101.... yeah, sort of like that..
The Rat Pack: Mimi, Uncle JC and Lily "Moon Cake"
Me, Gadsya, Meinar, Tuhu, and Niki my high school friend watched the show together. I met Micha and his friends, Paul Agusta and friends too... and some people that know me and I was like totally forgot where did I meet them or how they know me.. Gosh, I'm really sorry.. My SMS (Short memory Syndrom) is really getting worst.
The leason learnt from last night is, actually being gay or not it's just the same. There are disadvantages and advantages being one or not... And who we are judging people supposed not to be gay or lesbian? If I were a lesbian, will you jugde me like I didn't belong in this world like you all? Well, that's not the point actually... The point is, gay and lesbian are not a disease... It's just the matter of heart, habbit, and the "below" part... LOL for the last part...
Last night show wasn't offending everyone, that was the thing I amazed. The show was divided into 3 Acts, 1. Am I Gay?, 2. I am NOT Gay. 3. Queer Job's... And yes, the almost 1 1/2 hour show was very amazing for me and for the rest of the gank.
I intend to watch more today, it's free anyway, but it depends though on the boss' sched.. He said he wants me to come along with him to a meeting.
This is the 1st Act, Am I Gay?
There were Mimi and 3 little sexy darlings... Well, they were not in the show actually.. Lol...
Mimi's figure was amazing.... Don't you agree?
Second Act, performed by Uncle JC and Mimi
This is I'm NOT Gay
So hillarious and I just couldn't stop laughing...
Last Act, The Queer Job's..
This was VERY Interesting indeed... 5 people were invited to volunteer on stage... and yes, it was so fun seeing the last part... :)
Anyone care to accompany me watching the some movies??
Futher details, please click www.qfilmfestival.com
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