Friday, March 12, 2010


Isn't it funny, when you've decided to step back, suddenly his images keep showing in your dreams? Hah! That's what I've seen in my dreams last night, and I woke up so confused. LOL... yeah, what's with the confusion? I dunno... U tell me...

and headache.. yeah.. headache all night long....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

....Call me coward....

I'm stepping back from the game.....

Call me coward.... But I'm afraid.... Afraid of getting hurt...

Or I'm just hallucinating.... I don't know.... What I know is, I'm going to back off.....

Does he have the feeling for me? I don't know..... Finding out is...... I don't know how....

Do I have the feeling for him? If he knew......

I'm scared.... afraid.....

Call me coward.... But I don't know...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Komitmen? 'I do'? Lari? Freak out?

Edan, dalam 1 hari bisa post 2 kali? Maklumlah, kalau lagi banyak yang dipikirkan, yah begini jadinya.

Lokasi saat ini sih lagi di Senayan City, lagi nangkring2 aja ama salah satu produser film gw, emang lagi apa yah, pengen melarikan diri aja dulu dari ktr. Pengen melarikan diri dari huru hara kantor pagi dan malam juga.

Mau ngomongin apaan yah? Uhm... Kondisi saat ini sih lagi... fragile, yes, that's the word. Mudah pecah euy.... Apalagi masalah hati, blah! cape deh, ha3!!! edan donk.... Mau dibilang kesepian, gak juga sih, gw lagi berusaha untuk mengikuti pertemuan2 teman2 kuliah gw, yang pada akhirnya jadwal mereka mengikuti jadwal gw, duh jadi gak enak. Well, sekarang itu yang terjadi sih. makasih yah teman2 sayang. :)

Tapi kalau kesepian yang satu itu, wah, gak bisa dipungkirin sih, ternyata deep down inside, gw menginginkan hubungan yang stabil, yang gak main-main, tapi.... apakah gw nanti kembali mundur waktu dihadapkan dengan komitmen? Mungkin seperti di film (500) Days of Summer itu, kalau emang merasa 'this is the one', loe gak akan ragu-ragu lagi untuk mengatakan 'I do', mau pacaran berapa bulan juga, kalau memang merasa begitu, yah udah, mau diapain lagi. But yes, it takes the right man and right timing to say 'I do', ya gak sih?

I once fell in love with a guy yang gw akan siap sacrifice apa aja untuk orang itu, nyatanya, dia selingkuh, dan kembalinya hubungan kita itu berjalan dengan sebuah luka yang pada akhirnya emang gak bisa ditahan lagi sakitnya. Lalu ada lagi, disaat gw (kira) siap untuk menyebrang dan menikahi pria baik itu, ternyata gw gak siap, dan tertorehlah tato itu di punggung gw, sebagai pengingat... Setelah itu? I found another man yang ternyata ujung2nya begitu doank.... dan yah gitu doank... gak selesai, gak juga lanjut, gak ngerti juga sih maunya dia apa.... ha3!!! jadi curhat... eniweis, itulah yang terjadi sampai tahun lalu itu....

Setelah itu? Gw berusaha mencintai sosok angin, yang pada akhirnya gw menyerah, dan membiarkan angin itu berlalu saja, lalu sosok seorang cendekiawan, uhm... bidang kesehatan? ha3!!! dokterlah istilahnya, itu kayak... kamera yang cuman bisa zoom in zoom out doank... gak bisa fokus... yah sudahlah.... lupakan lagi donk... keq3x...

Saat ini yang menarik hati gw? Yah dia... Yang saat ini gw takut banget dengan namanya penolakan dari dia, wuih, menyatakan aja belum, tapi jadinya sat ini gw takut untuk mencintai.... jadi gw mesti gimana? melepasnya? atau memerhatikannya? atau???

pusing khan? tapi yah itulah gw saat ini, kebanyakan ngayal untuk menjalani komitmen, tapi ujung2nya gw takut. ha3!!! memang I need the right man in the right place.... kalau itu diijinkan oleh Tuhan, gw gak akan mikir banyak kali untuk bilang 'I do'.... because my life is complete...

Doakan yah.. :)
Right Timing...

Last nite....

To: 0856170****
Hey, sorry to say this, it's juz strange, I'm depressed... I'm tired, I'm alone, oh wao.. So weird... :(

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

1 min later..

1 message received from 0856170****


'Ha? What happen to the butterflies?'


To: 0856170****
I don't know, that is so strange, it's juz suddenly I feel scared and depressed. Weird huh.. Perhaps at some point I need to slow down in everything in my life, but I'm scared, if I slow it down, I loose 'em all... This is so weird...

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

2 mins later..

1 message received from 0856170****


'I'm @ depok, you want to meet somewhere?'



To: 0856170****
That's too far, it's ok, nut u know what, funny thing is, I would love to get high now... This is stupid...

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

so very quickly...

1 message received from 0856170****


'Ha? Like weed high? Where are you? And why do you run to stupid things when you're depressed?'

..... started smiling..... giggling....


To: 0856170****
I don't know, ha3!! I'm juz feeling like weeds high, I'm juz sayin', relax, I'm @ my crib... I cried, I luaghed, I was @ a blank point, everything on my bed. I didn't do anything stupid. I guess I'm juz tired pleasing ppl & depressed of loosing 'em all if I don't pleased them and I did bad @ work. I don't know if I could do this anymore. I'm cracking up. I think. Funny, huh...

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

few minutes later.....

1 message received from 0856170****


'Well.. It's time for a little for yourself I guess...'


To: 0856170****
I think so... Thx man..

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

many minutes later...

1 message received from 0856170****


'Welcome... Get a vacation!!'


To: 0856170****
Ha3!! Yeah, I think I shud...

....Sending Message.... Delivered...

and I slept directly.... and I miss that curly hair man.... yeah, those butterflies were there because of him... if he only knew.... :)

Monday, March 08, 2010

The Need To Move On

I realize, I need to move on, to be a better me, to have better life, and just make one step forward ahead....

SO, I've been busy again this last week, handling the other project from the other office, with one of the clients that flirts with me, on the phone! blah! I don't like him, because from the very beginning, I already drew the line between clients and me, but that doesn't mean my 'nice' attitude should be interpreted as 'I'm flirting with you so you can flirt with me', HELL NOO!!!! and i'm beginning to act not nice to him, but nice to his partners and bosses. Yes, and that doesn't feel right. :( Oh dear God, help me...

So what I want to tell actually is I did try to move on, last nite, regarding the 'heart' side. I went out, with a guy, nice, he has the same belief with me, we shared stories, plenty of it! We laughed, and in that almost 5 hours together, we did have a good time. We had dinner, watched movie, and went to Kemang to buy DVDs.

We met blok m plaza, he picked me up there, had dinner at roti bakar eddy, and back to blok m plaza again, watched Shutter Island, afterwards we wen to Kemang festival, and I bought Glee the whole episodes of season 1.... I'm ready to have Glee Maratahon tonite... lol... :P and my brother picked me up in Kemang, and I smiled all night... :)

I know I need to be really careful again.. Really careful... I'm easily broken....

But I need to move on... I'm... I think... Slowly....

Thursday, March 04, 2010


It's been like ages I didn't update my blog. Oh well, because twitter and plurk, I really couldn't write anything more than 140 characters. LOL... So, here we go...

What recently happened with me? Not much, I've been living as 'unofficially' single for few months now, and somehow, I think I'm preparing myself to be officially single. It's hard though, but I have to try, love can be unrealistic, but now I have to learn to be realistic, to use my logic. That's hard... he3x...

What have I been doing? I've been doing many things, from my real job to my side jobs that would take my morning sleep... yeah, been lack of sleep almost 1 month, because I finished my side job in the morning, and most of them are post productions. Oh well, I
m having fun though with it. :)

What else.. what else? Oh, I think I have a crush for someone, but let me cool down for awhile, think it through all over again, and perhaps this is the one for me.. Amen... Since we have the same faith, why not I promised myself that this has to be the last one? I'm tired of the uncertainty in love.. Though I know love is uncertain most of the time... But just this one O' Lord, to complete what I've been missing a lot.... If he is the one for me, let it be Your will, because You know what's best for me.. :)

Uhm... what else what else... not much again, I've take some diet pills, I think I'm too much now... lol... I need to wear some of the old good stuffs U have... he3x..

Oh well, I think that's it for now... Will continue later... Ciao Amigo!! :) tee hee..