Friday, September 05, 2008

datang juga

dari semalem gue punya feeling gak enak tentang hari ini dan emang beneran terjadi..... gak bt sih, tapi jadi bigung mesti gimana.... hak3!!!

so, yeah, the guy i like is in the office, and no one has ever made me laugh or smile the whole day like what he does to me every day and with a call before going to sleep.. that is why i like him...

yesterday, with my big and stupid curiosity, i opened the photos archive at the office. I saw his photo with his X, and yes, she is pretty... at this ppoint I was loosing definitely my confidence.... me? sure!!!! i just lost it like that..... the girl was one of the employees in here too, then i don't know the story why did they break up or why the girl left the office.... not because i'm ignorant, it's just that i don't feel like want to know... that is all... it's normal, right?

and yeah.. it happened today... the x came to the office this morning...... she was there, standing there in front of me, hugging and kissing him.... they still called each other names.... and i just there....

and i just lost everything...... dunno what to say or react.... stupid huh?


nie said...

maybe you should ask him the reason of his attention towards you :)

Julliet said...

tanya lgsg aja kak!
apa sih?! sok tau aku yah. he3.
tp satu hal yg aku tau. kakak temenku juga dulu bgitu. selidik punya selidik, itu bukan soal "suka" ato bahkan "cinta" (spt yg mgkn kakak harapkan dari dia). itu semua soal "kenyamanan".
mgkn dia ngedapetin itu dari kakak & itu juga yg jd alasan "perhatiannya" selama ini.

LGP said...

errrrr..... ditanya yah??? huw3x.... itu hal yg paling saya benci padahal... hak3!! doakan sayaaa!! :) thanks anyway!!

Madong Arizona said...

sa rasa gk perlu ditanya,..

Minta aja dia untuk ngebaca post ini,..

Simple, Easy, to the point..

LGP said...

dikasih unjukk???? waduuhhh..... *panik*