Thursday, February 23, 2006

another writing

jam udah menunjukkan pukul 19:02 *halah*

masiy di kantor loh bo!!! Nungguin ML, RR, TT, M NS dan teman2nya selesai rapat. Abis itu ngasiy passport...

heyyy... gilaaa... gue nemenin temen gue yang belum pernah makan Pizza bo!!! Seneng gila ne!!! Hahahahaa... sumpah deh... kocak abis, kayak di Fear Factor gitu. Ya ampyun deh.. selama 27 thn hidupnya, doi belum pernah makan Pizza *mungkin udah pas kecil kali Ded, loenya aja yang gak klimax makannya* hahahhahahaa... dari secuil kecil yang 1/4nya dimuntahin lagi karena bawang, akhirnya beliau memakan satu potong pizza dengan syarat gue nemenin dia makan. Damn, perut gue udah bega bgt ini.... Bega pizza!!! Halah... dang dang dang.... *ngantuk menyerang*

Duh AC kantor dingin bgt!!!!!!!!!



"are you with him?"

"yeah, he's with me..."

"whare are you at?"

"Taman Anggrek"

"What the....?? What are you guys doing there?"

"I'm taking the photos. The photos at Bali"

"I thought you did take it"

"Nah.. I forgot"

"Why he didn't answer me fucking call?"

"I don't know. And he's cell doesn't off too"

"Tell him that I hate him"

(to him) "Yo man, she said she hates you.."

(him) "Who?"

(to him) "Titsi said so.."

(him) *laughed*

"I'm going out with somebody now"

"You? With who?"

"A guy"

"Just go, he doesn't care, you know"

"I know...that's why I'm going"

"Nahh.. you won't... I know you still at the office"

"Fuck... Yeah I know... a lotta things.... *no, i'm not* By the way, he's going to aussie tomorrow right?"

"Yeah I know. You wanna talk to him?"

"No. I'll call him later when I go home"

"Ok then titsi. SMILE!! He loves you!"

"No, he's not"

"How do you know?"

"I don't know... Hahahhahaa. Fuck you man!"

"Yeah right... Fuck you too, bitch!"

"Gotta work again, call you again, k'?"

"Ok, bye!"


++ rokok gue abis deh++

"New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder,
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
Sacred silence and sleep,
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
Disorder, disorder, disorder." - System of a Down = Toxicity-

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