Thursday, February 02, 2006

a peck

v. pecked, peck�ing, pecks (pk)

v. tr. Informal. To kiss briefly and casually.

n. Informal. A light quick kiss.

kiss lightly [syn: smack]

Main Entry: peck
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: bite

beak, dig, hit, jab, kiss, mark, nibble, pick, pinch, poke, prick, rap, strike, tap

Main Entry: kiss
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: peck
Synonyms: buss, butterfly, caress, embrace, endearment, kissy face, mouth music, mouth-to-mouth, mush, muzzle, osculation, peck, salutation, salute, smack, smacker, smooch, sugar, touch


confused? don't be.... just feeling happy now.... :) have the butterfly thingy in my stomach... hahahahhaa.... he did that to me last night... a sweet peck... in KFC's parking lot...

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